Recently 12th college wireless speed is quite fast.
Finally I can download movie inside my room. =)
Not because UM upgraded the wireles system,
but is because all my neighbours (student who used to stay same floor with me) had moved away.
Before that I also quite curious, why they suddenly disappear?
Until today only I knew the reason...
This is because they're going to further thier studies in JAPAN!
May be you will think, how great is that!
May be you will say, I hope I can get this offer.
But if you're Chinese, very sorry, this golden opportunity is only available for Malay.
Should I happy due to the fast wireless speed?
Or should I disappointed due to the unfair treatment between Malay and Chinese?
I tried so hard to fight for my first job in Japan.
But they can just go Japan like this.
Hmmm..Malaysia, are u truly is 1 Malaysia??
1 malay--------sia
pass by..
That's why we need to fight for it!..
is a normal things happen at m'sia~~~~
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