Friday, February 5, 2010

Focus on right thing..

Focus..I need to be Focus..

Like i said before, my original purposes of Toshiba interview were because I want to gain experience and get to the final interview at Japan..The reason is because I want to visit my dream country for FREE!!

Well, I had achieved those purpose.
However, Now my ultimate goal is get the job in Japan!!

First time visit the best country in Asia, Japan..
I'm very excited!!
But let not go there with a wrong purpose, with a wrong heart!!

I need to adjust my mood, so that I can focus on the interview, not Japan!!
My main purpose of this trip is get the job, not just go there and play!!

Calm down and be focus..concentrate on my dream..

Monday, February 1, 2010

CHEAP UM Chinese, 5th college resident, chemical department student..

Remembered the I wrote about my jacket being stolen in previous blog??
Last time is Malay..


This is is CHINESE!!
What is this, somemore is one of the chinese that I knew..
Some more stay in 5th college, same college with me for 3 years..
Some more study at same faculty, luckily is CHEMICAL, not mechanical..
Some more act like nothing happened..

Story go like this..
And I cut it very short, ha..
My friend's Laptop screen was broken by his roommate!!
When he went out for meal..
Boom..Pecah, screen pecah...

Can u imagine how cheap is that person??
Come on man, ooh sorry, he's not man..
Come on boy..
What happened to u..
I dont blame you to act it secretly, because u're a little BOY..
Please dont admit u're a MAN.
Male by Birth, Man by Choice.
You just chose to become a BOY.


Please, U're chinese, U're going to be an Engineer..
I felt shame to know this kind of people in my life..
Luckily I'm not that close to him..

My friend still can bear it until today..
If I were my friend, I'll quarrel and fight with him..
RM400 gone like that!!
Everything have a limit, I think that boy just cross the boundary..

Poor Steven..
Vaffanculo Kenli Chooi..