Finally, i'm home.
I don't know the exact reason, perhaps was everything look familiar to me.
Finally i can understand all the sign board, i can read the newspaper, magazine.
I saw Tesco, KFC, Pizza Hut.
The most obvious changing is no more USCITA sign but EXIT!!
This feeling was great!
Here is the subway of London, the first country had a subway since 1863.
Inside the subway..
When i saw the museum from outside, my impression was WOW...
Totally different from Rome!
In Rome, you will find a lot of museum too but most of them can be found in between a row of shops, i means a small museum and the admission fee will simply cost you 7Euro.
Here is the War Imperial Museum.

Another thing is, it was FREE admission!!
Another WOW when i stepped inside the museum.
A lot of tanks, aircrafts, submarines, bombs and etc..
And here was the statement mentioned by our very own Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Another FREE and GRAND museum i had visited, Natural History Museum.
Look at the building man, amazing!!

And the first thing i saw when i stepped inside the museum is this...

As an engineering student, Science Museum is a must.
After visited all the FREE Museum, I ended my day 1 trip in London busiest shopping street, Oxfort Street.
At the end, not to forget about the red phonebooth too..
To be continue...