Saturday, March 13, 2010

Irritating Post

Let talk about LOVE here..

I have a friend said:
"I'm so good, why no girl want me?"
"I'm so desperate for the love!!!"

My friend comment and said:
"He's taking up his machine gun, shoot whoever down!"

My opinion:
"Wah, u desperate is ur problem, don't post in facebook let the whole world know what."
**Girl, be careful of these kind of guy.
What he need is non other than just a girlfriend.

Hey, and you..
Please stop posting all ur 'love note', 爱的宣言 in facebook lei..
Honestly, I felt very irritating about that..
I believe no body would like to see ur 爱的宣言..
And for those who already have girl friend or boy friend,
Please la, u want to date, go out and date..
Don't date in facebook.. =.="
Don't darling here darling there,
love you here love you there,
miss you here miss you there.. @.@"

If you want to type out,
got handphone gua,
send sms can??
Or u can create a blog between both of you.

Ya, I care about u and ur relationship because we're friend.
I would like to hear from you time to time.
But I definitely not interest in ur 肉麻情话.
Everything have a limit, you can write it,
but don't make it OFTEN...


折翼天使 said...

"zhu mao"? lol

Yu Xuan said...

No specific person la
But he is definitely one of them..