Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas is just around the corner.
The Christmas atmosphere in Tokyo is really good!
Although it's not a Christian country,
you can see the Christmas decoration everywhere.

People are busying on their Christmas shopping,
People are busying on the Christmas gift preparation,
People are busying on decorating their house,
People are busying to have a Christmas party,
People are so busy about the Christmas.

Like us, are so busy to find and see the great Christmas decoration in Tokyo.
Like us, had received the Christmas gift from teacher.
Like us, start to think what should we do on the coming Christmas Saturday.

But at the end,
It's not about how great is your Christmas decoration?
It's not about how great is your Christmas party?
It's not about how much you spend on your Christmas shopping?
It's not about how many Christmas present do you receive?

You know how the name, Christmas came from?
It came from the late Old English, Cristes Maesse,
or translate to modern English is Mass of Christ.
Mass of Christ!
Ya, it is all about the Christ, Jesus Christ!

I will going to have my Christmas in a really nice place, Tokyo.
In fact, the Sin Chew Daily in Malaysia had reported the great Christmas decoration in Shiodome, the Blue Ocean.
Ya, I knew I going to have a great Christmas over here.

But, I reminded myself.
Always know the true meaning of Christmas.
It's neither about Santa Clause nor Christmas tree.
But it's all about my saviour, Jesus Christ.
I want to give thanks and remembered what he had done for me and you.
Thanks you Lord, for giving you only Son to die for us!
Ya, it's ur birthday Christ.
It's not an unknown, X, birthday.






折翼天使 said...

my christmas gift =P

Yu Xuan said...

I sent to u dy, u didnt receive??? =P