Friday, July 15, 2011

Too much shopping in expensive clothes....

Just bought 3 Paco Chicano t-shirt.
I bought 1 Ed Hardy board short, 1 Ed Hardy polo shirt on last week.
Honestly, I felt guilty right now.
I think I am over spending.
Can I stop shopping?

Actually I am planning to buy 1 more ZARA jacket,
few more ZARA jeans during the final sale.
I think I need to stop!

Anyway, the price is still very cheap if compare to Malaysia.
Have a look on the fantastic design.







Ed Hardy

Ed Hardy


折翼天使 said...

cn i stop shopping as well =P

Yu Xuan said...

Now u got sponsor dy ma...
Can't stop also nvm 1, lol

折翼天使 said...

wait me find a rich sponsor 1st la!!!nw still hv 2 control =(
but im better den u, i dn buy branded stuff!!!haha

Yu Xuan said...

U should say wait my sponsor become rich..
Still want to find meh.. lol
I also 久久一次吗

折翼天使 said...

lookng for a better one ma..lolz!! u "jiu jiu" one time meh? nw going to seoul pula still say no $
=.= syoik dao!!! =P