Wednesday, November 18, 2009

After Exam

After back from Italy, This weekend Emerge i will back into Security Team again..

I have to use quite a long time for me to adapt into the tempo of a fast growing church!

And i think now is the time for me to get back the team..

Exam have finished, although i have a bad ending on my last paper Turbo!
But i tink i still have the change to get A- gua, hopefully..
This semester i took German, next semeter I hope to learn French..
But after google about Language, i found out that actually Spanish is the popular 1.
Why Spanish, I dont like Spanish, I don't like Spain as well..
The fact is Mexico, Canada, Agentina..
All this country speak Spanish..
Another advantage of Spanish is it is very very similar to Italian.
that means after i learn Spanish, i actually can communicate with Italian as well..
Kill 2 bird in one stone, not bad right?!
Sigh, I like French, but "interest cant get me the food right"??

Have to find some crazy friend to take Spanish with u.. =)

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